There are songs all around you, you just have to listen

You know that feeling that you get when you hear a great song? That feeling that anything is possible? Do you want to be the reason people feel that? Do you want to be able to write that song? Hit songwriting goes well beyond craft and how-to’s, it’s a way of life. The good news is your can learn how to tap into that part of yourself and Think Like a Writer.

Join a Course Dedicated to Helping You!

Our online course is full of people who care and want to see you succeed. A group of fellow songwriters helping each other grow and encouraging each other in this ever-changing industry. Your friends and family might not get it, but don’t worry, we do!

What you get:

6 months of access to Songwriting instructional video content from Jeffrey Steele, PDF Workbooks for the course, Mastermind Interviews from Music Industry Professionals, One Live online group Q & A/Lecture call with Jeffrey Steele, and Motivational Emails during the course


“The Jeffrey Steele Bootcamp opened my eyes to the professional world of songwriting. Through the bootcamp I got too not only meet music industry professionals but many great new friends and forever co-writers, that I still write with to this day. Most importantly I was inspired by Jeffrey and his work ethic and passion for writing songs. Being around him made me want to be a better writer and I feel like he gave me tools and guidance to make that happen. The Jeffrey Steele boot camp was an important part of my journey to having a #1 song and being named Music Row Breakthrough Songwriter of the Year in 2012, and me now living my dream life, of writing songs everyday for a living in Nashville.”


“Jeffrey Steele is a bright light in a dark world. His music, inspiration and love have been an incredible force to be around. He has taught me so much about not only how to take my writing to the next level, but also about how to be strong through all the challenges that life brings. Working with him doesn’t feel like work, it feels like being around a friend. He was the first one I turned to when I had my first taste of success, and I will never forget the encouragement and advice he gave me. I would not be where I am today without his guidance and love. I am so blessed to have met Jeff and been a part of the first ever Jeffrey Steele Bootcamp and am so excited about the Jeffrey Steele Academy!”


“As a songwriter, I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my craft, get the inside scoop on what’s going on in the industry, and build new relationships. I got all this and more from Jeffrey Steele’s Bootcamp. For me, this was a critical investment in my songwriting journey. In 9 weeks, Jeffrey and Casey equipped me with knowledge that would've taken me years to acquire. If you’re truly serious about songwriting I highly recommend this course. Go sharpen your pencil, grab a notepad, and get ready to THINK LIKE A WRITER.™”


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